Monday, June 8, 2009

Thanks and Final Extra Credit Opportunity

For an extra crucial point or two on your semester grade please post thoughtful and caring comments on 2+ other peoples' "Final Essay" blog posts. Your goal is not to argue with them - rather to appreciate particular insights or effective lines, to note patterns in their beliefs, to identify areas where they could usefully expand or extend or reconsider their ideas.

Then copy and paste the quotes onto your own essay by Friday 5:15pm.

Also - thanks for the work and insight you've brought to this semester. I feel we examined important topics with openness, understood some aspects of life deeply, and came together as a caring group of people. Some of you did more than others (and deserve special thanks but I don't really go for public elitism) and some of you did enough and some of you contributed by your occasional presence and interest. I believe this time was useful to you too (I've seen powerful intellectual and emotional development) and hope you will be able to continue to connect daily life to underlying patterns and deeper understandings that we've begun to explore in these courses. I know you could have just gone through the motions and I appreciate the fact that much of the time many of you didn't. Good luck and thanks again.


  1. you dont go for "public elitism" yet you insist on putting "good model" and "strong model" next to classmates' names listed on the side of this page. --->

  2. yes - a good point.

    those "good model" labels aren't to flatter or publicly compliment as much as they are to USEFULLY provide an example of good work.

    but still, worth considering.

  3. lol, yes... of course *hint hint* Lu
