Thursday, October 2, 2008

Revised Grading Proposal

Revised Grading Plan

I have made the following changes to my proposal in light of student feedback. I will make 50% of the number grade (quarters and semesters) from participation – which includes some aspects of observable effort. There is a rubric below. I have also clarified, below, the general rubric for assignments and work policy.

So here’s the basic idea – your work will be judged ONLY on excellence/achievement.

These scores will be put in a place where you can see them (probably online) and are non-negotiable, except in case of grave injustice involving more than 2 points (i.e. I score a 7 but you are convinced it is a 10). In case of grave injustices we will ask Josh Marks to serve as the Appeals Judge and he will be allowed to either change your score to the one you’ve claimed or to keep it as I originally scored it – but not to compromise. Work is eligible for this appeal process only when posted on time. You are limited to 2 unsuccessful appeals per year - successful appeals are not limited.

Each assignment will be weighted based on the relative work involved in the assignments – projects that require more work will be “worth” more. These weighted scores will be calculated into a “work score” and this will be 50% of your grade but also revealed separately from the total score.

The other 50% will be “participation” strictly using the rubric below. This will not be an “automatic” score nor will it be one where the teacher will say, “What does she need for the 65?” This score will be part of the total score but also revealed separately. These "soft skills" are also an important part of your learning - as several of you argued Monday.

General Rubric for Assignments
10 – Among the best work done in the class. It fulfills all criteria from the assignment, is strong with thought-provoking ideas, has flavor and beauty, and has been revised and polished. This work is deep, colorful, and clean and would be welcomed by college professors.
9 – Good work, impressive. Reveals some strong ideas and areas of beauty or has been highly revised and polished –doesn’t quite manage to combine polish with strength.
8 – Solid job. Shows ideas and flashes of aesthetics but requires work to build those into a more powerful project.
7 – Decent work. The assignment has been completed without just “going through the motions”. Alternatively the work might have some strengths but have missed part of the assignment.
6 – Getting there. The work seems somewhat perfunctory – as though it were done last second or without intention. Doesn’t seem to have benefited from thinking time or from revision.
5 – Halfway – Most of the assigned work is minimally done with one or two decent parts.
4 – Partway – Most of the assigned work is minimally done.
3 – Something – Some of the assigned work is minimally done.
2 – Better than nothing – A bit of the assigned work is minimally done.
1 – Mas que nada – A tiny bit is posted.
0 – Nothing.

Work Policy
Work should be done over a period of weeks and days, not hours and minutes. By working steadily (or at least intermittently) you give yourself the chance to have ideas, to have second thoughts, to explore in different directions, to exchange notions with others (including the teacher), and to revise significantly and repeatedly.

Work done at the last second is just generally not as good - less ideas, less flavor, less revision.

Work needs to be posted on time as our class relies on the opportunity to learn from others’ work – and if yours isn’t posted when we’re looking, no one will learn from it. Work that is more than a day late may be discounted a point and work that is a week or more late may be discounted 2 points. The “late” discount will not drop a score below 6.

Participation Rubric
50 - (12.5 each)
  • Sharp, succinct, and thoughtful contributions to class or group discussion at least 3x a week that contribute to the depth of our collective understandings
  • Consistently present, on time, and focused (95%)
  • Lead and focus and support others in group work and learning activities
  • Prepared with all assigned work but with additional aspects and questions to explore actively
45 - (11.25 each)
  • Strong and thoughtful contributions to class or group discussion at least 3x a week that contribute to our collective understandings
  • Consistently present, on time, and focused (95%)
  • A strong member in keeping groups and learning activities focused and worthwhile
  • Well prepared for class – did the reading, finished the work, notebook out to consult yesterday’s notes before today’s course begins
40 - (10 each)
  • Thoughtful contributions to class or group weekly
  • Usually present, on time, and focused (85%)
  • An active member in groups
  • Ready to make the most of class – writing down ideas and paying attention so that you can learn more from the assignments

35 - (8.75 each)
  • Occasional contributions to class or group
  • Often present and on time and usually focused (75%)
  • Doesn’t mess up the group
  • Goes through the motions usually but sometimes gets interested
30 - (7.5 or less each)
  • Rarely or never contributes to class or group
  • Often absent or late or distracted
  • Distracts the group
  • Sometimes secretly texts, flirts, disappears during class, generally avoids having to learn anything from the class

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