Clarifying Basic Ideas:
- Mark Ruppert - A leftist professor of political science at Syracuse University has posted these helpful lecture notes regarding Marx's theory of how capital expands.
- The introduction, "theory", and "definition" section of this Wikipedia article might also help you understand Marx's labor theory of value.
Primary Texts:
- I have already recommended "Wage Labor & Capital" as a relatively accessible simplification (as a pamphlet) of Marx's analysis of capitalism. The accessible and relevant concluding chapter from that text can be found here.
- The first chapter of the Communist Manifesto advocates a workers movement to overthrow capitalism. It argues many of the theories we've been examining but with a more fist-in-the-air rhetorical style. The dialectic underlies the argument but not explicitly (see especially the final paragraph of the chapter for a good example of thesis --> antithesis --> aufhebung/synthesis). The interest of this chapter emanates not only from its analysis of our historical situation but also from its attempt to build a grand theory of the past, present, and future.
Modern Marxist Analysis:
- This pamphlet - The Reproduction of Daily Life - emphasizes that basic capitalist processes - commodification, capital accumulation, alienation - dominate our daily lives.
- This pamphlet extends the analysis of capitalism's domination of all that we can see - all that we feel.
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